Showing: 11 - 20 of 26 RESULTS
Fighting vs. Protesting vs. Cooperative Non-Compliance

Fighting vs. Protesting vs. Cooperative Non-Compliance

It seems that we’ve come to an age where we decided to use the tactic of protesting and online activism in an attempt to enact change in our society and culture.  Back then, change was desperately needed as peoples’ lives were at-stake and those affected were fighting to make things better.  And, I mean, literally …


Treat people like spaghetti sauce and not like mustard

I’ll disclose that most of this research was taken from a Malcolm Gladwell talk on the achievements made by Dr. Howard Moskowitz.  This speaking engagement resonated with me on many levels.  I’m sharing this with you in order for you to gain enlightenment.….For those unaware, Howard Moskowitz reinvented our thought process around taste through spaghetti …


Reconsider using the term racism

Racism is defined in the Black’s Law Dictionary as a set of policies that is exhibited by a person or persons toward a group of people of a different race.  The word race is defined in the same dictionary as a tribe, people, or nation, belonging or supposed to belong to the same stock or …


Where are we with cannabis research?

I find it upsetting that some vaccines are able to be made available within weeks and months while others, there are still no progress.  I’m a strong believer that this planet has what we require to live in terms of nutrition, survival and evolution.  We, unfortunately, are not tapped into our connection with this planet …


Give Up Alcohol

I simply don’t understand why we continue to consume alcohol. With all of the available research available, why does one consume it? ….For the digestive and endocrine glands, alcohol causes an abnormal activation of digestive enzymes that’s produced by the pancreas and the build-up of these enzymes can lead to inflammation known as pancreatitis. Pancreatitis …


Making Good Use of your White Privilege

Isn’t it about time that we make good use of our White Privilege? The “white” community continues to preach that racism doesn’t exist, that they are diverse and inclusive, yet it’s truly hard to confirm this when you look around the affected community. It’s sad that much of the “white” community continue to believe that …


Your body doesn’t need calories, it needs electricity

History has us believed that your body needs calories in order for our organs, muscles and the brain to effectively operate. The theory was that calories are from solid foods that are dense in various proteins, fats and carbohydrates producing energy to trigger the operative functions of the stomach, liver, kidney, intestines etc. which extract …