I’m still surprise to see people spending their precious time mowing their lawns in order to impress themselves and the neighbours while foregoing the opportunity to cultivate food, herbs, flowers and plants that provide balance across the world.  Citizens need to let go of lawns and its dominance over the world and focus on growing organic fruits, vegetables, herbs, flowers and plants across our yards.
As we demand more natural and organic foods in your diet, it baffles me that individuals blessed with a yard on their property allowing them to grow their food, or at least, some of it, aren’t using it to its full capacity.  Even if it isn’t outdoors, having a small indoor garden makes sense in order to create fancy and delicious salads, to add herbs to your dishes and showcase your collection of cacti.
As a teen who spent most of his summers mowing lawns to make money, I felt that it was easy work and quite profitable.  But, I never understood why they had so much grass.  My mother grew-up on a farm that optimized their property to grow food, raise cattles and chickens as well as had a smokehouse to smoke the fish they caught and sell it at the farmer’s market.  Grass was only seen and used for cattle and goats in order to maintain their diet.  The majority of the property was either filled with buildings (house, chicken coop, smoke house), gardens and areas for cattle, goats and chickens and you rarely saw any manicured lawn area.
When I visited it, once, when I was a child, it was the most amazing place that I’ve ever been.  I remember adventuring with my nephews for the entire day and coming back to enjoy an amazing supper when the sun was setting with the side of my family that I’ve never met.  I meet, in-person, cows, horses, chickens, goats, turkeys, live fishes and help find mussles in the bay with my aunt.  As an urban kid, I’ve never seen any of this, in-person, other than reading it in books.  It was better than a zoo and a lot more ethical. 
The extended family that continued to live in the area maintains a large garden with very little grass to mow.  Consider that maintaining your garden would be equal to the amount of work mowing down your grass.  The advantage with the growing fruits, vegetables and herbs is that you get to enjoy what you sow and the more effort and energy you put in your garden, the bigger your reward.  Lawns truly have no purpose.
I feel that we’ve grown accustomed to defining landscape beauty as one with exotic manicured lawn with a few trees and flowers peppered across their yard.  When, in fact, it would make more sense to eliminate as much of your lawn as possible and replacing the area with plants, herbs, fruit and vegetables that you and others can used.  Gravel can be placed down in areas where you wish the soil to regenerate.  To me, the latter defines beauty as you are seen sharing your wealth as opposed to hoarding it.
Gardens, regardless of the kind, may be daunting for some, but they are plenty of videos on the internet to provide some easy steps and great guidance on setting-up something that’s suitable for you.  I always suggest to start small and allow the garden to grow and take space.  Look for herbs, vegetables plants and fruits that fit your lifestyle. 
Gardens bring so much more than veggies to your plate.  On top of organic food, you develop discipline, problem-solving skills, flexibility amongst many other traits.  I guarantee that you become a better person when you practice gardening.  Adapt to pest and critters who will proactively eat your ripe veggies and develop techniques and ways to facilitate your daily tasks.
With the ongoing decline in bees, it’s even more crucial for us to play a pivotal role by providing our essential workers with pollenating flowers for them to enjoy as well as houses for them to reside in and produce their delicious honey.  Bees are so important and lawns provide no use for them.
I challenge you to turn your lawns into gardens and discover the magic that you bring to yourself, your house and to your environment.  Your outdoor area will become the best bazaar for cute creatures, buzzing bees, singing birds on top of enjoying nature’s candy.

#getridofyourlawn, #gardensforeever, #nolawns, #gardensforlife